Expert Ownership: The Early Years
Built For Young Entrepreneurs
A Young Adult's GuideĀ to Serve God, Thrive in Business, and Live a Life of Impact
Attention Next Generation Entrepreneurs! If you're a teenager or young adult, this Course is for you.

A Course Built For Young Entrepreneurs
Have you ever wanted to own your own business? Have you wanted to achieve financial freedom? How about doing both and leaving a legacy for those who follow you?
That's what we'll teach you in this course. We took our flagship course, Expert Ownership, and crafted it specifically for young people. Using the 12-steps of Expert Ownership, we crafted a custom plan just for young people.
In Early Years, we'll walk you through a 12-step process that will take you from wannapreneur to entrepreneur before the age of 30 and set you up for financial success.
But more than that, it will show you the value of your call into the marketplace and how important your work is to the kingdom of God.

I learned more about business in this course than any class I took in college.
-JT Bicket (22 yrs old)

Implementing the principles in The Early Years has helped me scale my film business exponentially.
-Samuel Lee (17 yrs old)

I never knew that my identity in life is tied to the work that I do. I now see the world through a new lens.
-John Smith (21 yrs old)
12-Step Process at-a-glance
SECTION 1: MINDSET—How To Think Like an Entrepreneur
Find Your Sweet Spot: Learn the three keys to discovering the work you were created to do.
Define Your What & Why: Understand the basics of working with a vision and mission.
Become a Dreamer: Learn the three steps that will unlock your inner dreamer!
Build Your Brand: Discover the aspects of a good brand that will make people want what you have.
SECTION 2: MOVEMENT—How to Get Moving in the Right Direction
Define Your Value: Discover the key principle on how to make money and the two things all entrepreneurs must do.
Develop Your Plan: Understand the basics of a simple plan that anyone can execute.
Marketing Basics: Learn the AIDA model of marketing and how to master it to maximize sales.
Sell With Integrity: Discover the proper way to sell your product or service without being "salesy." .
SECTION 3: MOMENTUM—How to Take Your Business to the Next Level
Deliver Your Value: Understand the key to turning purchasers into promoters by mastering the art of "over-delivery."
Build Good Systems: Learn why 80% of small businesses fail and how you can be among the 20% that last. .
Leadership & Team Building: Learn how to build a strong team and lead them with excellence.
Manage Your Money: Discover the steps you must take to achieve complete financial freedom.
When you finish the program, you will have the tools you need to become an Expert Owner who can serve God, thrive in business, and live the life of impact you’ve always dreamed about.